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Thursday, May 18, 2017

Always remember why you started

Things have been crazily hectic since I started on this new role. Once in a while, I'd start to wonder whether this has been a good move.

The challenges on the job has been tremendous, the bosses are demanding and unappreciative, the rewards are yet to be seen, the future is uncertain. These are definitely discouraging and really made me question myself.

But always remember why you started.

You took this up to build a name for yourself. To lead and groom a team which recognizes your care. To be a face that everyone will come to know. This has not and will not change. Your bosses may not understand your effort; they care solely about the number - this is sales after all. But you are on a separate mission; the focus is not the petty politics on these small start-ups - the focus is to build yourself up.

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