Monday, June 8, 2015

Life has no meaning

Life has no meaning. Nothing in this world has any meaning.

What is the meaning of life? Wrong question.

What is "meaning"

Meaning is an emotional attachment towards "something". Be it your dog, you child, you wife, or your teddy bear.

It is an attribution.

You don't "find" the meaning of life, you define it. You live to feed your child, you work to give your wife a better life, or you fight to prove that you are better than someone else.

In each of the scenarios, you attach the meaning yourself. If you just strip the emotions off, you would realize that facts are facts, things happen because it happens.

You can of course argue that it is fate that causes events to occur in a particular sequence which leads you to where you are right now. That is because you believe in fate (and hence karma), and you attached the meaning that there is a higher calling behind life.

Let's propose that a higher intelligence exists, which determines how things are design, how you feel love, how living things react and defend for self preservation. That can lead to 2 results:
1. You can't understand this higher intelligence anyway, it doesn't matter
2. Even if it is true, the believe of this higher is just an emotional attachment to it as well


Life has no meaning means that my life is sad, right?


Admittedly, I have fell in and out of mild depressions where I really did consider ending my life. But I didn't, mostly because I didn't have the courage to end my life.

But life is not sad even though you "find" no meaning in it. The sadness occurs when you define that the meaning of life is to find a meaning of life, and not finding it leads you to disappointments and subsequently depression.

Life is flat, throw away every emotions you can find, and you will realize that facts are facts, everything else are just self attached emotional attributes.

You need to be happy to life. I don't.

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