Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Life has no meaning (part 2)

Life has no meaning. That means life must be unhealthy, right?

Admittedly, the direct answer to that question is yes, you realize that it leads you to several emotional low points in your life.

But, you need to be happy to live. I don't. I've already established this previously.

Just one thing I missed out, I am not a complete sociopath.

Meaning: I am not totally void of emotions.

The facts that I have a big ego, I strive for perfection, and the millions of self created philosophy proved it.

But understanding the "life has no meaning" theory brings a great advantage: you are able to identify why things are important to you, as you know that it is a choice where you consciously attach significance to things. It makes you see clearly and objectively in any given occasion.

On a side note, this process of "knowing that it is a choice" builds on the psychological homeostasis theory that I have postulated some years back.

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