Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Let it go

Let go of your poisonous attitude
Let go of your jealousy
Let go of your anger
Let go of your cynicism
The only person hurting you is yourself.
YOU held on to the negativity; YOU shut out the positivity.
Let it all go and set yourself free; only you can set yourself free.
Don't judge, don't care; everything is none of your business.
When you hold on to pain, the only one getting hurt is yourself; let it go.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

揮揮手再見 祝你 旅途平安


在旅行的路上 有些事我們慢慢講
有個熱情的地方 名字叫 台灣
我們將腳步放慢 聊著天在路上
你行李裝滿 遠赴他鄉的夢想

在旅行的路上 有些事我們慢慢講
有個熱情的地方 名字叫 台灣
我用思念在醞釀 牢記你的模樣
揮揮手再見 祝你 旅途平安

The 10 days Taiwan journey was our last gift to each other.
Such a beautiful place, such an amazing time we had together.
Such a wonderful love we have for each other. This love still exists in my heart.

As time passes, love turns into memory.
This is a memory which I will truly treasure.

It is painful that such strong and raging love has to be put to a stop - it feels like a piece of my heart has been torn off again. We tried so hard to stay together, made so much compromises for each other. Yet both of us still felt unappreciated.

That is how I knew that no matter how hard we try, we will still hurt each other and feel this mysterious sense of un-fulfillment in our hearts.

Perhaps you are right, I chose to give up as it is the easier way to go.
But time will tell, I'm waiting an answer as well.

There are regrets in life no matter what choices you make.
Move on, and look forward to the next chapter.

Thank you, for your love and so much things that you have done for me that I cannot even begin to list them. I cannot ask anymore from you.

I bid you farewell, and I hope that you are in better places with every step you take.

Friday, December 9, 2016

What is dedication?

The definition of the word says: the quality of being dedicated or committed to a task or purpose.

Dedication and commitment is a controversial topic which makes people afraid. When people talk about dedication, there's a underlying assumption that it will take a whole lot of energy.

As it turns out, it does not take a lot to be dedicated.

You just need to be consistent, persistent. Stay focused and keep working towards the goal in mind.

Why do we dedicate?
Because we want to see something done. And in order to dedicate, you need to know what you are dedicated to.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

The only difference is dedication

Amongst man who are successful and those who are less so, one factor stands out clear in contrast of the two: dedication.

There is no secret to success, the only factor which will bring you to your goals is dedication. Sure, some man are born smarter, or richer, or with some advantages which puts them ahead of the competition. These advantages are tools which will makes the journey easier, but we cannot choose what tools we are born with. We can, however, choose whether we want to fight.

Success is simple, set your goals, and dedicate yourself to see that you reach them. Dedication means that success is no longer an option; it is necessary.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

No, it's necessary

That means that your objectives are clear, and there can only be one result: success.
A short yet powerful statement which shows the resolve and commitment to see things through.

Thursday, November 3, 2016


One of the side effect of trusting people is the possibility of mismatched expectations.

Be it intentional or unintentional, people do not practice what they preach.

While some of them are hypocrites who lies to people intentionally, there are many who are not aware that they are lying. These are the people who truly believe that they do as they say, but unaware that their actions are not in line with their ideology.

Well, there's really nothing we can fault on, that is part and parcel of life. Life goes on.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Target acquired

The topic of pre-sales vs sales vs be-your-own-boss came up again, this time with interesting insights, and I have sort of reached a conclusion.

I had been hesitant to move on as a sales mainly because of the risks it come with. What if I cannot hit target? What if I enter a bad company which will taint my track records? I would need more time to build my network before starting out as a sales.

Previously, I have always reached a conclusion that I was not ready.

But I realize that I forgot my own preach: you can never be ready. If you wait until you are ready, the opportunity would have already passed. Most of the times you need to jump right into the opportunity and do the job. You cannot learn it by standing at the side.

I have done it before.
I wasn't ready to be an engineer, I went in and completed the projects anyway.
I wasn't ready to be a pre-sales, but I designed solutions and sold to customers anyway.

There is a further insight on my abilities too. I found myself lacking the experience for a pre-sales, as my technical wasn't strong enough. But going back to hands-on will not resolve the issue. I suddenly remembered that my strength is in being able to think on my feet. I am able to pick up ideas and understand solutions extremely fast. I thought that it empowers me to be a pre-sales, but that is the essence that is more needed by a sales than pre-sales.

What ahead is still not 100% decided, but at least it is clearer now where I am heading towards.

Monday, October 31, 2016


I don't know when did you stop trusting me
I don't know when did you stop being proud of me
I don't know when did you stop looking up to me
I don't know when our goals and perspectives start straying apart
I don't know when did I start failing your expectations
I don't know what you are looking for anymore
But I know that I am not the one you are seeking for

Friday, October 28, 2016

With every teardrop, the heart hardens a little more

When I thought I was thinking for our future, she thought I was thinking for myself.

Why do I count every cent? Why do I plan for housing loan road maps,  or second property, or retirement? Why do I prefer a central area? Why do I need a wedding banquet?

When I thought marriage is a partnership, it is actually her vs me.
"MY" side of the story doesn't matter anymore, her perspective is already fixed.
It doesn't really matter what I think, my perspective is just a challenge for her to convince.
Then why stress to provide for a stable future "for both of us"? My stability and down-to-earth mindset is a weakness, a fear of challenges to her.

"Choose the lifestyle you want and fight for the paycheck to sustain it" - yes, I have said that before. I have tried, it is not sustainable. "Choosing the lifestyle that you want" doesn't  mean to spend like you are already living it, it means setting a goal and future and fight for it. I had spent future money before, I was burned.

Expectations, perspectives and priorities are mismatched. If both sides hang on to their own, the relationship will have to give way. Yet I cannot "bargain" on sincerity based on a price tag - implicitly, I am just fuel for her dreams; my opinions are irrelevant.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Anger management - for your own good

Remember, anger and vengeance hurts only yourself. The target do not understand or feel what you are feeling.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Sometimes it's hard to be the better person

If certain things is considered wrong when done by you, but okay for others to do it, you can only suck thumb.

Friday, September 9, 2016

It's in the details

You can tell much by observing a person's behavior and micro expressions.
Beyond the branded façade, it is easy to tell if a person truly has class.

Girls can carry branded bags but walks like a duck, like there's a dick stuck in between.
Guys can act generous but complain about the lunch you didn't pay.
Employees can talk about big ideas and management efficiencies, but cannot even fulfill their job duties.

Class is not presented by the brands, class is portrayed by the person.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Always be the better person

Do not respond in kind, always be the better person.
Violence begets violence, immaturity begets immaturity.

In a fight, be the gracious one who take a step backwards. Take the proactive position to solve problems instead of fighting for pride.

At work, be more objective, don't point fingers, don't take things personal - even if the other party is putting it personal and pointing finger at you. Responding in kind will not solve the problem, it makes things worse by shifting the focus to insignificant matters which doesn't contribute to progress.

At love, be the one to take the step back, to ask what's wrong, to say sorry. Clashing emotions and walking out the door rips scars in the relationship. Keeping and comparing scores is pointless; there is nothing to win by winning the argument. Be the stronger one to give support to your partner, be the gracious one to forgive and forget mistakes, be the mature one to understand and respect your partner's perspective.

Be generous and don't be calculative - there are no scorecards or balance sheets in life.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Knowing and understanding is different

Knowing and understanding is different.

People are different and hence think and behave differently.
You may have said some things to them before, but it takes time for people to internalize and understand it.

Communication and patience is key in the path of understanding.
Passive aggressive attitude tears the relationship apart.
Be patient.

Monday, May 16, 2016

I am the best

I am the best.

Live life with the mindset that you are the best.

Not because of self arrogance that you think that you are the best, and no one else is better than you, but because you strive to be the best and seek to be better everyday.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Bring out the warrior inside

Despite everything that I say, I am actually a warrior, a fighter; I will always stand and fight.

Laziness and procrastination do kick in once in a while, and I give excuses for being lazy by adopting a mild character, denying who I am.

The things I look for in life, the characteristics I expect in my partner are reflections of who I really am; it reveals what I want to be.

I wish I had discovered this earlier, but I am also still on a journey of self realization myself. I am truly grateful for those who crossed my path in life. Through them and the interactions with them, I can see myself much clearer than ever.

Persistence and discipline is the key, I need to persevere, bring out the warrior inside, and let it lead and guide my way.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Office Survival Tips

Making a list for things to note for office survival.
  1. 有人就有政治。Politics is inherent with men, the moment you are in a group of people, you have to deal with politics. If you don't play politics, it will play you.
  2. It is always political. Nobody cares about you. There are no secrets, everything you said will spread and be ultimately used against you. Always wear the poker face; say only what is needed, never show your emotions.
  3. 以退为进, smile and nod, and continue to do whatever the fuck you want anyways.
  4. It is always just a game, everyone else is your opponent. Do everything required to play it to your advantage. But don't take the game too serious.
  5. Nothing good to say? Don't say. Talking bad about anything/anyone never help the situation, and it reflects badly about yourself. Listen, smile, nod, but don't comment.
  6. Strike the target where it isn't. Don't engage the target directly, go around it and stab it at the back.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

The one

The right spouse should:
  1. Appreciate you for who you are
  2. Make you more confident and feel good about yourself
  3. Make you a better person
But how do you know if the relationship can work out?
When both of you are right for each other, these 3 points will be mutual.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Long term vs short term

Always plan forward for the future.
But remember to live in the moment.

Sunday, March 13, 2016


If you take life too seriously, you will only end up hurting yourself when things are not up to your expectations.
You can only get what life gives you.
If it's meant to be, it'd be your anyway.
If it's not meant to you, you won't get it no matter what you do.
Besides, the harder you grab, the more likely it is to slip from your hand. It may have been something which was meant for you, but precisely because you were too anxious about it, 弄巧反拙 - it slipped out of your hand.

Friday, March 4, 2016


It doesn't matter what exactly you will achieve in the end.
Things are not always in you favor.
If times are bad and you didn't achieve due to the disadvantages, it is understandable.
But if you are in an advantageous position and you fail to make use of it and grab opportunities which come your way, that is an absolute waste.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Love – let it be (Part 2)

不要想太多。There is no need to analyse and classify every single thing. Poking and probing things "just for the sake of discussion" is pointless. Learn to accept that things are just the way they are, and there is no need to change them.

我覺得該住中央,要四房,貴點也值得;妳覺得西邊好 - 會增值,三房就夠,沒這樣貴。

The fact is, there are bound to be many differences in our perspectives, but they are built on each other's life and experiences. There are blind spots to both of our perspectives, and we see things which each other may have missed.

People are just the way they are, there is no need to change. Or we can say that love is about acceptance and compromise. Living with each other means living with everything of each other.

Problems and conflicts arises when you try to change the other.

Compromising is not losing; it's about accepting and giving in.
Because you love her - you do not want to see her hurt by you.
Because you'd rather take a step backwards yourself than straining the relationship.
Because she is worth it.

And there is no taking turns or expecting returns in love.
You accept because being her is what makes her who she is - and you love her for who she is.
You compromise because you love her and your goal of the relationship is to see her happy, and be happy together.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Love – let it be

“If you love a flower, don’t pick it up. Because if you pick it up it dies and it ceases to be what you love. So if you love a flower, let it be. Love is not about possession. Love is about appreciation."
– Osho

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

In love, we need to work together

In love, we need to work together, with each other. But sometimes, due to small little things which are magnified by our selfish ego, couples may end up working against each other to defend their ego, and end up straining the relationship.

Let's us remind each other that we always need to put in effort in making our relationship work.
The good times and good feelings will cease if we stop working on what we believe :)