- 有人就有政治。Politics is inherent with men, the moment you are in a group of people, you have to deal with politics. If you don't play politics, it will play you.
- It is always political. Nobody cares about you. There are no secrets, everything you said will spread and be ultimately used against you. Always wear the poker face; say only what is needed, never show your emotions.
- 以退为进, smile and nod, and continue to do whatever the fuck you want anyways.
- It is always just a game, everyone else is your opponent. Do everything required to play it to your advantage. But don't take the game too serious.
- Nothing good to say? Don't say. Talking bad about anything/anyone never help the situation, and it reflects badly about yourself. Listen, smile, nod, but don't comment.
- Strike the target where it isn't. Don't engage the target directly, go around it and stab it at the back.
Monday, March 28, 2016
Office Survival Tips
Making a list for things to note for office survival.
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