Monday, March 28, 2016

Office Survival Tips

Making a list for things to note for office survival.
  1. 有人就有政治。Politics is inherent with men, the moment you are in a group of people, you have to deal with politics. If you don't play politics, it will play you.
  2. It is always political. Nobody cares about you. There are no secrets, everything you said will spread and be ultimately used against you. Always wear the poker face; say only what is needed, never show your emotions.
  3. 以退为进, smile and nod, and continue to do whatever the fuck you want anyways.
  4. It is always just a game, everyone else is your opponent. Do everything required to play it to your advantage. But don't take the game too serious.
  5. Nothing good to say? Don't say. Talking bad about anything/anyone never help the situation, and it reflects badly about yourself. Listen, smile, nod, but don't comment.
  6. Strike the target where it isn't. Don't engage the target directly, go around it and stab it at the back.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

The one

The right spouse should:
  1. Appreciate you for who you are
  2. Make you more confident and feel good about yourself
  3. Make you a better person
But how do you know if the relationship can work out?
When both of you are right for each other, these 3 points will be mutual.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Long term vs short term

Always plan forward for the future.
But remember to live in the moment.

Sunday, March 13, 2016


If you take life too seriously, you will only end up hurting yourself when things are not up to your expectations.
You can only get what life gives you.
If it's meant to be, it'd be your anyway.
If it's not meant to you, you won't get it no matter what you do.
Besides, the harder you grab, the more likely it is to slip from your hand. It may have been something which was meant for you, but precisely because you were too anxious about it, 弄巧反拙 - it slipped out of your hand.

Friday, March 4, 2016


It doesn't matter what exactly you will achieve in the end.
Things are not always in you favor.
If times are bad and you didn't achieve due to the disadvantages, it is understandable.
But if you are in an advantageous position and you fail to make use of it and grab opportunities which come your way, that is an absolute waste.