Sunday, December 6, 2015

Defer judgement

There's a difference between having an opinion and rubbing your dick in others' face.

Too rush, too quick to judge.

This gives the impression that although I am capable, I am too easy to read and too easily influenced.
Either one is bad enough, combination of both is worse. Because not only that I'm easy to be influenced, it's easy for others to know that I'm easily influenced too.

The experienced and wise listens more than they speak.

Only offer your opinion when asked.
Even then, offer only what they need to know of your perspective, not everything.

I was too green, naive, and impatient.
Have not gone through similar incidents.
Was in an impatient mood because of fear of losing opportunities.

To make things worse, I was trying to soothe my own ego by attracting attention to myself. But it was all bad attention.

I was wrong, you cannot draw conclusion based on available information and update later.
You have to see clearly and defer judgement.

Besides, don't judge too soon, some people may not be what they seem like initially.
You may be able to be 80% right based on first impressions, but there is still a 20% chance that they may be better or worse than what you initial think.

Yes, I needed to make quick judgement to decide if I should take the job before the opportunity runs away. But nobody needs to know about what I was thinking about.

I suppose I was really lonely, there was hardly anyone I can talk to.
So I turned to talking everywhere.
But now I am clear that she should be the only one in my circle of confidence.
Finally, I have someone who I can trust, and understand what I'm talking about, and offer advise and opinions on what I'm going through.

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