Monday, October 19, 2015



Assuming the worst possible scenario is the weakest form of self defense. You try to prepare yourself for the worst, then tell yourself to accept it, and it doesn't matter.

Sometimes, all you need to do is ask. Information is the most powerful tool. Lack of information is your worst nightmare. I tried to fill in gaps of information with horrid imagination, making it seem like the worst possible scenario.

But this is not only damaging to yourself, but damaging to other parties involved as well. You are essentially making assumptions and judgement of people, deciding things for them even before they do. It is not a fair judgement; it is not what they want or what they would have chosen. You did not respect their rights in the involvement.

At the same time, you bring yourself down to the lowest and label yourself "un-kill-able" as you have already brought yourself to the lowest, and they can't put you down anymore. No expectations = no disappointments, right? Seriously, bullshit. This is again a weak way of defending your emotions. by conceding defeat before the fight, you deny others of "winning". But the biggest loser is your own self. You have already lost respect of yourself, how would you expect others to respect you?

So please, do yourself a favor. Before you go around assuming, judging and making decisions for others, please ask them for their side of the story and their opinions first. Learn to respect others, learn to respect yourself.

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