Sunday, September 6, 2015

Gaining perspective from others

Once in a while, you meet people who have been through so much more than you that you start reflecting on your own life.

Looking at what others have been through really gives you perspective on your own life.

My life is relatively smooth, I hardly had to fight for anything and things come to me naturally.
With an intelligence like mine, I'm practically living life with a cheat code.

Hence, the source of my frustration really comes from within: me being a little bitch.

If you keep racing against others and counting things which you lack, you would only find misery.

I've said it before, but I didn't actually understand what it means.
It seems you really need to get a feel of the shit others went through to get a feel of how blessed your life is.

Pessimism was a defence mechanism, but the actual concept should really be 要得过且过才好过

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