Friday, September 25, 2015

Everything comes to him who hustles while he waits (Part 2)

I have always been an impatient person.

I am objective oriented and have always been able to see what is there at the end of the line.
However, that precious foresight which I have becomes my poison.

Being able to see the end made life boring, made me feel like I am just waiting for time to pass, and there is no purpose in life since I have already anticipated the endpoint scenarios.

Little did I realize how wrong I was to neglect the process. I thought that process is pointless and the result is everything. But I had not realize that it is the process which makes me who I am – life is about getting there, wherever “there” is isn’t the point.

I once said that “You will learn patience when you learn to qualify the rewards at the end of the line.”
But that is not the whole part - patience is really about perseverance in spending the effort to reach that end.

I have always been trying to take shortcuts in life, and my very intelligence has enabled that. But sometimes there are no shortcuts, most relevant example is love. You have to take one step at a time to get closer and learn about each other.

If the other person is not ready, keep up the effort to make sure that when she is ready, you are there.
She needs time to close her previous wound, and she needs time to grow on you.

I used to think that “it’s either we will be together or we will not, might as well just dive straight in”. This cannot be more wrong. And this is precisely the mistake I have made in my previous relationship, and wasted 3.5 years of our time.

Everything comes to him who hustles while he waits.
This  means that in whatever you do, you have to put your best foot forward and have the patience to see it through the end. Things that you want will then come to you naturally.

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