Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Empower yourself

Why do you feel sad?

Did something not go your way?
Did you expect it to go your way?
Did you not expect that the result would be a possible scenario?

While there are no reasons to be happy, there is no actual reason to be sad too.
Remember that there is nothing. There is literally nothing.
If you start with nothing, and you end with nothing, then what is there to care about?
If you care for nothing, then what is there to be sad about?

If you understand and remember this, you will feel the stillness of deep water, and whatever happened is just a small disturbance which would ultimately fade away.

Manage your emotions.
Mood management is about managing the lows.
Happy is good, when you feel happy, just enjoy your happiness.
It's the lows which needs to be managed, because they seep into your core and poison you from within.
It's how you manage your low emotions that matters.

Remember how good you are, how far you have came, and the things which you can achieve that others cannot even hope to dream of.
Things are not that hard when you realize there is nothing that cannot be done.
You can do anything.

Furthermore, since you have nothing better to do, do something.

Drop all your troubles, worries and sorrows; live the moment.
放下所有烦恼,享受现在生命在这一刻 ,活在当下。

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