Friday, July 31, 2015


Try: a three letter word which is also probably the biggest and most important. If you try, you stand a chance; if you don't the chance is zero. Simple concept which is easy to understand, but immersely impossible to practise.

Be it the fear of failure or whatever other factors, it is always easier to say that there is no point trying. Because if you don't try, you cannot fail. Zero expectation equals zero disappoontment.

My new found freedom has widened my perspective for several things. Trying is one of them. If I think that my life is expendable, why am I afraid of losing?

To others, it seems that I  often up to the challenge, doing things that others fear. But the fact is, I am better at estimating risks, that's all. Risks which I took are almost always calculated risks, I knew how to win, and I knew exactlty what to say if I lost.

Now, it is time to step out, step up, and go to places which I have never been before.

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