Sunday, July 19, 2015


There are only 2 kinds of reaction when you get into a tough situation: give up, or fight harder.

I guess it's time I realize that I have been a whiny little bitch. With a pessimistic nature, I tend to focus on problems faster than opportunities.

When met with a tough adversary, I tend to conclude that there is no way to win and give up. The funny thing is, I thought I believe in "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger". Turns out doing what you preach is really hard, and you may not realize that you are not doing what you preach sometimes.

From now on, I have to keep reminding myself to stand and fight. Always stand and fight.

If you conclude that you cannot win each time you see a stronger opponent, you will always be running away. If you run turn away from the fight, you throw away any chance of winning; if you stand and fight, you would still stand a chance, no matter how small. In the end of the day, even if you lose, you would be glad that at least you tried.

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