Sunday, April 13, 2014

Emotional Control

I have pride myself for being emotionally detached, and assumed that being emotionally detached is the strength to stay objective in any situation. But at the same time, I know that it is not true, I still panic at times.

The wise man does not panic, for he has seen it all already, and realize that nothing matters.

This forced me to think that I am still a greenhorn, and I tried to give less damn about everything. But the original assumption was wrong. The wise man does not panic because he has seen it all already, but the part "that nothing matters" was wrong. It is not because nothing matters, but because he has learned how to control it.

Being emotionally detached is in essence a sociopath behaviour. Assuming that being emotionally detach is the key to being objective led to a viscous cycle. Each time it fails, I tried very hard to detach myself. But in the first place, I confused control and ignorance of emotions; ignoring your emotions doesn't solve the problem, it ignores it - it fails.

Control of emotions doesn't mean you do not feel. Recalling my article on Psychological Homeostasis, the key is the processing between emotions and reactions. How good you are at being aware of your emotions, and controlling your response to those emotions, will show how "high level" a human you are.

At the epitome of the control of emotions, you make your mood work for you.
You can be aggressive, yet patient to the details.
You can be confident, yet not allow your ego control you.
You can remain still as deep water, and strike with strength and precision.
You will know when and how to have fun, yet be serious when necessary - really serious, not acting serious.
You will realize that there is no bad situation, every shit can be managed.
You will no longer take things personally, it is not always about you - even if it's a comment made on you.

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