Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Me and girls = Φ

I'm still thinking about who I am and what I want to be. One thing I figured out is, I am a pretty lousy guy to pick for girls. You see, I am so lazy and nua to the extend that laziness/nua-ness index → ∞. Like duh, I should have known, but ego was in the way. Girls really don't like guys who are lazy.

Side note: Ego is a very irritating thing. The need to feel superior to other people; it exists in everyone. My ego is quite damn high, sadly.

Oh another thing. Atas vs Ah beng. I have to face the fact. Most chio bus are really damn atas, and being a chao ah beng is damn far from atas. But atas need money to maintain, that's why it's called atas in the first place. Dunno what's "atas"? Refer to this link.

I know there is the need to change. And i did say "don't just hate yourself, work hard to be the person you want to be." Maybe for the laziness/nua part i can do something about it. I need some real good motivation. No, keep telling yourself "you can do it", "this must be done" etc etc doesn't work anymore, I've been doing that for god knows how long. One possible option is to random hoot a girlfriend, and use that as a source of motivation. Wait, wtf idea is that?

The real problem is, I have been a ah beng for damn long. Ok, just to clarify, I don't really qualify to be a full fledged beng, but compared to the nerdy/atas undergrads around, I am sibei cao beng. Anyways, the beng part is the tough one. I've been living beng-ly for god knows how long, I really don't know how to live as a professional/atas/act-cool. And another problem to that is $$$$$. Pre-requisite for atas-ness is money: get your clothes from zara, a macbook, a iphone 4, or prolly even a crumpler, all of these requires money, loads of it. Oh yes, did I mention I hate atas people?

Ok, maybe I've exaggerated a bit here and there, I always exaggerate, it's fun. But you have to admit, the fact is not far, I blown it up by just a bit.

PS: maybe I should start changing by doing the 6 tutorials waiting to be done . . .

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