Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Expectations, Promises.

It’s common for a couple to quarrel, but why? Let’s look at both side of the story.

Face it boys, we all have too much ego. Regardless whether successful, unsuccessful, or useless, all boys have an ego that is waayyyyy more than their capabilities (including me, sadly). When a boy talk, he talk BIG, usually at least 1.5-2x of what he is capable of.

This is a very big trap, “不是很多” and “我只要你爱我” do not have a specific number attached, girls think that their requirement is very simple and basic, but seriously, girls’ expectations are really hard to live up to. They just don't know that subconsciously they are really expecting a lot. Even when girls say that they don't expect boys to do 'something', deep inside they still hopes that boys would do that 'something'. When that 'something' doesn't happen, girls get disappointed and it's the boys' fault again.

The gap between reality and fantasy is called expectation.

So, boys talk big, girls expect. The image portrayed by boys’ ego is already 2x of what he’s capable of, and girls expects roughly 2x of the image she see, so in total, the girl expects 4x of what the guy actually can/will do.

This result in boys constantly falling short of girls’ expectations, by way a lot. That’s called disappointment, by the way.

Note: we are not talking about Singaporean golden cheese pies here, SG-GCPs follows a simple rule: more $$$ = better.

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