Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Life Goes On

I didn't get to see that btc girl today. Damn, I even made an effort to reach the bus stop by 8.30. Maybe she was late? Or maybe she decides to skip the morning lectures. Quite disappointing, though I must admit the odds of seeing her today is very slim actually. Anyways, wtf is this? Falling for a-girl-you-met-at-bus-stop-but-don't-even-know. Childish.

Mood is bad, but not as rage as last week, but still have zero motivation to do anything.

I like my new blog banner, cute, and I love cats. One thing it remind me of: keep walking. Life is a linear timeline, no matter what, you have to keep walking. I've always believed that. But what is the purpose of this walk? I've been trying to find out since god knows when. Every life must have a purpose, something to fulfill, your reason for living, and the reason differs for each individual. I have yet to find mine, the thing that is worth fighting for.

For now, time drags me along, with zillions of tutorials to do, and not forgetting the 18 fucking labs this sem. I'm becoming a zombie, no life, no meaning, no purpose.

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