Thursday, October 7, 2010

Must. Not. Be. Desperate.

When you start seeing more chio bus around, it's an illusion. I mean really.

As a fervent believer of the normal distribution, I believe that the number of chio bus follows a certain ratio, and this ratio is unlikely to change. So, when you start seeing more chio bus around, it can only mean that you're getting DESPERATE.

Being single for 22 years is ABNORMAL, your radar for girls tend to become more sensitive, and the urge to get attached increases exponentially. You'll start feeling sour when you see a couple engage in PDA, you'll start wondering how nice it'd be if some random chio bu is your girlfriend, and sometimes, wondering how nice it'd be if the girl (if she's cute) in the PDA is PDA-ing with you.

Yea, that's the kind of random perverted thoughts that will run thru your mind.

However, one thing cannot, cannot, cannot happen: the lowering of benchmark. Notice I mentioned chio bus? The definition of "chio bu" is relative. No matter how many random fantasiesyou have, it is NOT desperate. But when you start thinking that almost every single girl a chio bu, THAT is desperate.

Some form of quality control has to be in place, my genius method: that is to set a benchmark as the SSS grade standard (SNSD for eg?). Whenever you come across a random girl makes you "switch on" have her benchmarked against your SSS grade standard. That way, you can grade them properly.

The rule: If you notice that there are more and more chio bus around, making the world a more beautiful place, that is absolutely dangerous.

So for all the no-lifers like me: being single for xx years and no life shouldn't be a reason to go for the second rated goods, go only for the good one. Or at least try several times before giving up.

Now, for female readers, you'll start thinking: this guy is a JERK. Yea, I'm quite a jerk, but every single guys (or at least 99.999%) that you know are like that, just that they're hypocrites who deny that.

Also, remember the fantasies I mentioned? Try to control them as well, not doubt it's natural to start thinking that way, fantasies are still, well, weird. I usually shake them away and think "WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING?!", as soon as i realize that I'm fantasizing. So the next time you see me suddenly shaking my head . . . . . . .

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