Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My job so far

I'm back to the super underpaid and super bullshit job at Shitline International.

This is where I work:

So it's back to 6 day workweek, super low pay, and a butt load of crap.
Anyways, today is off day, but got nothing to do? Update blog lor.

Being back at funan means one thing: my favorite habit is back! And that is to kope tissue paper from Macdonalds, LOL.

So as usual, I'll buy one Double Cheeseburger takeaway, and kope one stack of tissue as thick as the burger.

If you're wondering how it looks like...

Very wow right? Guess how much Macdonald tissue I'll stocked up already:

I've always believed that being cheapskate can make you rich. Serious.
But I don't believe that koping tissue paper can, lol, I just do it for fun nia.

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