Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My job so far

I'm back to the super underpaid and super bullshit job at Shitline International.

This is where I work:

So it's back to 6 day workweek, super low pay, and a butt load of crap.
Anyways, today is off day, but got nothing to do? Update blog lor.

Being back at funan means one thing: my favorite habit is back! And that is to kope tissue paper from Macdonalds, LOL.

So as usual, I'll buy one Double Cheeseburger takeaway, and kope one stack of tissue as thick as the burger.

If you're wondering how it looks like...

Very wow right? Guess how much Macdonald tissue I'll stocked up already:

I've always believed that being cheapskate can make you rich. Serious.
But I don't believe that koping tissue paper can, lol, I just do it for fun nia.

Monday, July 12, 2010


I was watching 猜不透 mv, and suddenly this idea came to my mind: What is Love?
One user commented: "this song really reminds me of sum1.... n i love her... hmm.."

When you say that you love someone what does it actually mean? Recently, some brothers who broke up, they say they really loved the girl alot, but I never understood what that means.

愛她,也要懂得如何放手讓她走,在一起的叫幸福,分開了的叫祝福。But is that really true?

Perhaps because I've been single all my life, I don't really know how to love someone. It just seems like love is a word, with infinite terms and conditions attached. I thought love is a feeling, an emotion?

I've met several girls who really makes my heart beat faster, I've imagined how nice it'll be if we're together. But behind that sweet warm thought, there's also the idea of maintenance, falling in love is easy, staying in love is hard.

Also, wooing a girl is like competing in the Olympics, you have to fight against many many other guys, and in the end, you lose to some guy who prolly don't love her as much as you, but definitely richer than you.

Being together is not only about the feeling, there's a value attached to it, and it is damn bloody obvious that guys with money and car are getting the girls. If girls are acting like that, what makes them so different from whores?

The best couple I've seen is my sis and my bro-in-law, I can tell they're very deeply in love with each other, but it just seem that it's not quite possible to find something like that anymore, everything now have a value attached, girls are so materialistic, I'm not joking, ask an undergrad girl whether she'll marry an ITE guy.

It's like money is placed at first place when choosing a guy. One of my friend got dumped, because the other guy is rich, has a higher GPA, basically have a so called 'better future', but it also damn obvious that's he's a jerk.

Another friend, my best buddy in army, an ITE guy, he's really an extremely nice guy, and I can tell he really loved her ALOT. But he also broke up, reasons unknown.

Right now, to me, love is like a minefield, you'll never know when or where you'll get hit.