Saturday, December 20, 2014


Nothing can be said to stupid people to make them change.
They are stupid and will not comprehend.

Accept their stupidity and use it to make things work for you.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Life and Dreams

Dreams which cannot be achieved are why they are called dreams.

What an irony it is: if your dreams cannot be achieved – there is no meaning to life, if your dreams can be achieved – it is too easy and hence there is no meaning to life.

The agony between you and your dreams; this pain defines you.

Acceptance have 5 stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. If you cannot accept life as it is, there is only pain the preceding stages.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


It doesn't start, unless you start doing it.
It doesn't continue, unless you continue doing it.
It doesn't stop, unless you stop doing it.

Starting or keeping or breaking a habit.
It's that simple.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Don't waste your breath

The weight of your words is determined by your position in the social circle.
If people refuse to listen, they will never do until your worth changes.

People who will listen to you, listens. People who won't listen to you, it doesn't matter what you say.
Don't waste your breath challenging  and convincing them. Put the effort in improving your worth.